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A Jewellery maker creating a piece of jewellery

Corporate Social Responsibilty 


At H.AZEEM London we strive to ensure that our activities are in line with ethical and environmental standards, as well as being socially responsible. 


The Environment


We believe that it is our responsibility to protect and where possible improve the environment, promote sustainable development and prevent the wasteful use of natural resources. We work from a sustainable office environment with shared facilities and recycling and energy efficient standards in place. We are a registered member of CITEO and use only FSC certified paper where the wood pulp comes from managed forests.  Our jewellery boxes are designed to be kept and reused to protect your jewellery at home and when packaged for travel. 


Diversity & Inclusion


We strive towards an inclusive environment for clients, colleagues and customers alike. We are anti-discrimination. We commit to a workplace where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Our workplace upholds fair and equal opportunities with regards to hiring, remuneration, training & promotion.

Working Safely


We uphold safety standards in our workplace and those of our manufacturers. We comply with GDPR and cybersecurity for our customers and our clients.

Our Manufacturers


As critical partners we hold our manufacturers to account for delivering the provision of a safe workplace environment for their employees. This includes ensuring wages and work hours comply with local standards, the provision of healthy and safe work spaces and regular workplace audits, no toleration of child or forced labour and no discrimination or violation of human rights or labour.

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